NFDK @ 40 Celebrations


The day was finally here! The much anticipated 16th of December 2021 date was here! So much had gone into the planning for the 40th year anniversary of NFDK, and now, only the anxiety of putting together all the final event details sat heavily on our shoulders. By 8.00 AM, guests started to pour in to the venue – the Kenyatta International Conference Center (KICC), where they were required to register, acquire their pass and be directed to the sitting area.

While seated, all attendees were welcomed by the musical tones by the lively KamaNu and the Band group. Then came a lively Scottish dance by learners from Ngala School for the Deaf and a choral verse by learners from Jacaranda Special School. At 11.30AM the air was filled with anticipation as the Chief Guest’s motorcade arrived at KICC. The Chief Guest – Retired President of the Republic of Kenya – H. E. Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta was welcomed by NFDK’s Board of Trustees led by the Chairperson, Kristina Kenyatta Pratt and the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs, Prof. Margaret Kobia.

HE. Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta was treated to a colorful exhibition of various talents from learners with different disabilities from various institutions ranging from beadwork, embroidery and baking. One learner with visual impairment excitedly read from her Braille textbook to show her mastery of the curriculum. All the while, the audience followed the Chief Guest’s movement from a live stream inside the seating area. Eventually, the Chief Guest joined the audience and other invited guests. The audience was then treated to one final piece of entertainment by the choir from the Thika Primary School for the Blind.

Mrs. Kristina Kenyatta Pratt officially welcomed all the guests to the NFDK 40th Anniversary and History Book Launch and went on to give a brief history of NFDK, and the reason that brought us all together, after which, Prof. Margaret Kobia gave her remarks and welcomed H. E. Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta for His speech. This session gave leeway for the recognition of the key players in realizing the birth of NFDK and the champions that have contributed to the success of the organization over the forty years. Among them was Hon. Charles Njonjo in absentia and the founding trustees – Hon. Prof. Julia Ojiambo, Hon. Sen. David Musila and Hon. P. C. J. O Nyakiamo. The Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government was also highly recognized for its role in assisting NFDK in its work at grassroots level.

The climax of the ceremony was the unveiling and launch of the NFDK 40-years History book which was done in an entertaining display by the Chief Guest. This was it! This was the moment and the audience burst into celebratory cheer as H. E. Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta handed out a copy to Prof. Margaret Kobia and Mrs. Kristina Kenyatta Pratt. Where there would be a ceremonial vote of thanks, the Board of Trustees of NFDK gave a thoughtful painting to the Chief Guest, done by Mr. Mutinda, a renowned painter and PWD based in Nakuru, as gratitude for gracing the event. This was followed by the national anthem to mark the end of the ceremony.

Click here to read the NFDK 40 Years History Book

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