Ensuring effective and efficient service delivery Expanding capital base and revenue generation Attracting, developing and retaining competent, motivated and committed staff Strengthening application of information communication technology in decision making and service delivery Strengthening application of information communication technology in decision making and service delivery Evaluating and improving internal control systems, governance practices, compliance and risk management

Our Programmes


Since the National Fund for the Disabled of Kenya was established in 1980, the Board of Trustees and management have continually sought to fulfill the Fund’s mandate, with deliberate efforts being made to safeguard the assets and increase revenues for the benefit of persons with disabilities in Kenya.

To accomplish our vision and mission, the Fund commits itself to observing the highest ideals of Professionalism, transparency, accountability and probity, Promotion and protection of equity and equality for all, Teamwork and mutual respect for each other and clients, Trustworthiness, dependability and honesty, and Operating in an environmentally friendly manner and promoting accessibility as it implements its strategic objectives and strategies.



To qualify, both individuals and heads of special needs institutions are required to fill our Forms B and A respectively.

Service Charter

Improve the infrastructure and facilities, especially those that make the environment disability friendly

About NFDK

The National Fund for the Disabled of Kenya (hereafter referred to as the Fund) was registered on 7th July, 1981 after a funds drive which raised Kshs. 20,768,363.15 in aid of persons with disabilities was held on 4th October, 1980 during the Kenya National Year for the Disabled.  The Trustees appointed by the then President Daniel T. Arap Moi utilized the funds to purchase its first commercial building in the Central Business District, namely Rehema House, located along Kaunda/Standard street in 1982 at a price of Kshs.25 million.

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