The financial years 2009/2010 to 2014/2015 saw NFDK receive an annual grant from the Government of Kenya of Kshs. 100 million. From 2015/2016 financial year, the Government significantly increased it’s funding to PWDs through NFDK to Kshs. 200 million annually. This funding has greatly boosted the Fund kitty and led to the launch of Flagship Projects Programme as well as increasing our regular grant program to institutions of learning and individual beneficiaries.
National Fund for the Disabled of Kenya
2nd Floor, Rehema House
Kaunda/Standard Street
P.O. Box 47857-00100GPO,
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: 254 20 2251791/ 2133 652
Cell: 254 722 200 783/ 0735 769 852
254 0729 814 720 ( SMS line for the deaf)