This aspect of the programme usually provides individuals with physical equipment and not cash grants/loans. The main objective of this program is to empower persons with disabilities from across Kenya in 2 areas: –
- Rehabilitation support; NFDK provides various rehabilitative aids and appliances that help to alleviate the challenges that persons with disabilities face in their daily activities. Some of these devices include: wheelchairs, tricycles, white canes, hearing aids, crutches etc.
- Economic empowerment; Under this program, individual Persons with Disabilities are provided with income generating tools for them to achieve economic freedom as opposed to a culture of dependency on other members of society for basic livelihood. Persons with Disabilities engage in start-ups in the areas they are skilled in using various machines and trade tools provided by NFDK. Such tools include: sewing machines, knitting machines, hair salon equipment, livestock, farming tools, welding machine, carpentry tools etc.