The 2009/2010 financial year saw the Fund launch a programme dubbed ‘big grant’ programme. This was after realization of an existing gap in infrastructure/facilities in the institutions of learning for children with disabilities. Through an initial funding of Kshs. 100,000,000 from the National Government, the Fund embarked in fully-fledged flagship projects with an upper limit of 3.0 million per project. These projects include construction of classes and boarding facilities, purchase of therapy equipment, agro-economic projects and other facilities like ramps and resource centres and workshops in both integrated and special schools.
The Fund has now implemented 199 projects across the country.
The Fund endeavors to have at least 6 projects in every county by the end of financial year 2024/2025. Under this programme, Safaricom Foundation and KenGen PLC has partnered with the Fund in equipping select projects across the country. They have purchased ICT equipment, beds & beddings, furniture and workshop tools in various facilities constructed by NFDK. Click here to see a list of all the projects funded to completion by the Fund and the ongoing projects.