Call for proposal 2021

National Fund for the Disabled of Kenya is a Trust Fund incorporated under the Perpetual Succession Act whose mission is to offer the best support services to persons with disability in Kenya through provision of resources, promotion of awareness and advocacy of appropriate policies.

Among other assistance programmes, the Fund provides grants countrywide to empower persons with disabilities by funding development projects within institutions for persons with disabilities. These institutions include schools, rehabilitation centres, assessment centres, sheltered workshops, and homes for persons with disabilities.

In furtherance of this noble mission, we invite applications for grants for development projects that would include, but are not limited to, building classrooms, dormitories, and any other infrastructural facilities, as well as starting of suitable income generating projects that will give the institutions greater economic independence.

The criteria for selection will be as follows:

  • The applying Institution should be for persons with disabilities and the proposed project is to be for the benefit of PWDs.
  • The Institution should have a well-established structure with regard to procurement, financial and other administrative systems.
  • The completed project is to be branded as a project sponsored by the National Fund for the Disabled of Kenya.
  • The maximum amount to be given is Kshs.2.5 million.
  • The Fund is to closely monitor progress on the implementation of the project and will have access to the project and all records pertaining to it.
  • The project should be viable and self-sustaining.

The application forms are available at the Fund’s offices at Rehema House, 2nd Floor, Standard/Kaunda Street, Nairobi. They can also be downloaded from our website ( at Call for Proposal sub-menu.

Filled application forms should be received, via post or by hand delivery.

The Chief Executive Officer,
National Fund for the Disabled of Kenya,
2nd Floor, Rehema House,
Kaunda Street/Standard Street,
P.O. Box 47857, 00100 G.P.O.,

Note: The application forms cannot be filled on-line.